Jan - MarApr - JunOct - Dec
New Year's Eve Rockabilly party!
09 / 12 / 12
There'll be lotsa fun!
Everybody's welcome:-)!

The Swamp Shakers at Nokia 26th Rock'n'Roll Party
08 / 12 / 12
The short review on band's performance from UK music mag "Maggie's Blue Suede News"

Videos from 26th Rock' n' Roll Party on YouTube :-)
07 / 12 / 12
YouTube videos of two of our original songs as performed at 26th Nokia Rock'n'Roll Party (Iisoppi, Nokia, Finland):
"Red Corvette" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plh7U-AWfLk
"Don't Touch" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkSHtB6FVGk
Photos from tours, with fans, friends, musicians etc.
CD's recorded, mp3 samples
iphone4 ケース 人気