Friends & fans
Submit your photos to the PETE ANDERSON Photo Gallery
Submit your live show photos, as well as your fan photos with Pete, by e-mailing them to We'll let you know when we post 'em. Be sure to let us know who you are and where you took the pics. Thanks! Rock on!
Ieva & Robert
Agris and Eila, June 2005
Seisky, June 2005
Zhanette and friends, June 2005
Seisky and Agris, June 2005
June 2005
June 2005
"Veja Brali" & "Crazy In The Dark" clubs' members
Aivars Freimanis, the President of the first Latvian bikers' club "Veja Brali"

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Photos from tours, with fans, friends, musicians etc.
CD's recorded, mp3 samples
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